GOOGLE Reviews are Disappearing!
Ever had a glowing five-star review mysteriously vanish from your Google Business Profile? No, it’s not a conspiracy—it’s just Google being Google. Whether it’s an overzealous spam filter, a “forbidden” word, or Aunt Karen trying to help (sorry, Karen), reviews can disappear for all kinds of reasons.
How-To: Optimizing Images
Here are some tips on how to perform Image SEO on different devices.
The Importance of Image SEO for Small Businesses
Image SEO is a powerful tool that can enhance visibility, improve user experience, and drive engagement and conversions. It’s time to optimize your images!
Boost Your Facebook Visibility with the "@Followers" Feature
While it may come across as spammy, this feature could help get very important announcements out to your followers!
Here's How You Should Be Using Google
If you’re a business, chances are you have already made a Google Business Profile. If not, what are you waiting for?! But don’t stop there. Google has even more to offer … and it’s FREE!
Why Ongoing Website Updates for HVAC Companies is a MUST!
As the world continues to evolve, businesses must adapt to keep up with the changing times. Which is why Tall Boy Marketing encourages small businesses to update their website for SEO on a regular basis.