Google Local Service Ads

We will help you create an ad account with Google that takes you through the process of becoming Google verified. Once this step is completed, ads can be delivered to a very precise audience. Your ads will also be one of the ads at the top of the page with the green badge delegating it as “Google Guaranteed.”

Social Media Advertising

Ads are great, but you can’t run one ad in one spot and be done with it. Tall Boy Marketing creates ad strategies that promote ads across multiple channels at the same time. While we do excel in digital media advertising such as Google, Facebook, Instagram, etc., we can help you with traditional ad buying as well.

Traditional Media Buying

With more than 25 years in traditional media buying experience, we excel at buying radio, TV, print and outdoor advertising.


We specialize in helping brands align themselves with the right influencers and media/publications for cross-promotions and advertising campaigns. In other words, we know people.